Maryland Fusion Soccer shall follow the policy outlined below for teams that are scheduled to practice outdoors;
1) Field Conditions must be safe and conducive for an effective and productive training session.
2) For teams U13 and YOUNGER, the temperature shall not be lower than 32 degrees, and the wind chill/"feels like" shall not be lower than 27 degrees.
3) For teams U14 and OLDER, the wind chill/"feels like" shall not be lower than 25.
4) Practices may also be cancelled due to rain, sleet, or other factors that may influence road conditions, or greatly affect the effectiveness and productivity of a training session.
For SoccerPlex fields, please use the weather hotline at 301-528-1497 or their website:
For MCPS County fields, please go to this website:
Please always remember that playing on a field under any of the conditions listed below can damage the field and make it unplayable, for everyone, for the rest of the season. All play on any park athletic field is prohibited whenever:
The field is closed for renovation or repair
Water is standing on the field
One half inch of rain or more has fallen within the previous 24 hours
Soil is frozen
Soil is wet and “spongy”
The ground is muddy and soil clumps or clings to shoes
Steady rain is falling
A lightning/electrical storm is occurring
The field is deemed unplayable by Park staff or Park Police
If you’re unsure if a field is closed, please call your ballfield rainout number first: 301-579-5610! Rainout number recordings are updated by 3:00 p.m. on weekdays and 7:00 a.m. on weekends. Each recording applies to all parks listed under that number.
For decisions about the use of school fields refer to the appropiate rainout number on the field listing, or call Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF) at 240-777-2706, Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. For decisions about sports programs offered by the Montgomery County Recreation Department, call their update line at 240-777-6889.
For County Turf fields, you should call the appropriate ballfield rainout number (as mentioned above).
1. Coaches are required to download FREE WeatherBug App and utilize it to insure safety if storms are forecasted.
2. If Thunder occurs, the APP should be used to by clicking the Spark tab at the bottom of the page to determine if there is lightening is detected within 10 miles of your location. If lightening is detected within 10 miles of the location, all coaches and players are required to clear the field, benches and stadium seats and seek shelter. STAY AWAY FROM METAL OR TREES.
3. There is a required 30 minute wait period if there are no other lightning strikes, however, every new lightning strike within the 10 miles radius restarts the 30 minute timeclock.